Submission Guidelines
Poetry: 3-5 poems
Prose: Up to 2000 words
(Fiction, Flash, CNF, Essays, etc.)
Drama: Up to 10 pages
If you have something longer than 2000 words that you think I'd dig, send me an email and we'll talk about it!
The guidelines are largely determined by what I can read with what time I have. During the summer, the guidelines may be more wide open than during the school year. Also, right now, these guidelines are just to start somewhere. They'll be tailored as the magazine develops, and I get accustomed to the gig.
Send submissions to:
Include a bio in your email, a PDF or Word document of your submission, and label the genre in the subject line.
Subject: [Genre] - Submission
Acceptances come with victory flamingos.
Rejections will say something to the effect of "This isn't what I'm looking for right now," so make your peace.
But again: acceptances come with flamingoes.
Unfortunately, only flamingoes. There's no submission fees, but there's also no payment for work. Sorry.